hey y'all it's me again, shia lebuougghfx. so there i was, taking out mah trashes one day when suddenly, i got an idea.
so here's me at princeton. they didn't really accept me but they said i could hang out and stuff, especially when i told them that i was listening to Vampire Weekend the other day. lol i love that one song about peter gabriel cause it sounds a lot like a peter gabriel song. anyways, if i look mad, it's cause the bookstore only had a second edition copy of Madame Bovary (not a first edition, can you believe that lol). i also have an art history book tucked under my arm but since that's a little gay, i covered it with a copy of Davy Copperfield which is so less gay.
by the end of the day, i might start carrying some #2 pencils in one of my hands. love y'all.